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Shana Lusk is a doctoral student serving at the University of Connecticut where she serves as a research assistant on Project LIFT (Learning Informs Focused Teaching). She received her MA in Curriculum and Instruction with a Concentration in English as a Second Language from Arizona State University. She is a former classroom teacher with experience meeting the diverse needs of English learners in third through eighth-grade classrooms as well as serving as a site coordinator for gifted pullout services. She has worked to ensure that the strengths of English learners are recognized and accounted for. During her time as a teacher, she was selected as a Javits-Frasier Scholar (National Association for Gifted Children) to advocate for and develop the gifts and talents of culturally and linguistically diverse students. Shana’s research interests include curriculum, gifted English learners, special populations, longitudinal outcomes, and perceptions of teachers and students regarding identification and curriculum.

Dr. Susan Dulong Langley is a postdoctoral research associate at the University of Connecticut. She is the co-author and Project Director of a Javits grant for Project EAGLE (Eliciting Advanced Gifted Learning Evidence) and Project Director for Project BUMP UP (Building Up Mathematics Proficiency Utilizing Push-in). She received her MA and PhD in Educational Psychology (recipient of the Joseph Renzulli and Sally Reis Scholarship and Citation for the Highest Achievement on the Super Comprehensive Graduate Examination). She is a former K–8 gifted specialist with experience identifying and providing services for gifted English learners (ELs); differentiating curriculum and instruction for gifted ELs including culturally/linguistically responsive supports; and providing professional learning and graduate courses on challenging advanced learners. She served as president of the Massachusetts Association for Gifted Education (receiving lifetime achievement award and New England Award for Gifted and Talented) and parent representative and governance secretary for the National Association for Gifted Children (recipient of the Doctoral Student Award). Susan’s research interest is equity for gifted ELs, qualitative research, and discourse analysis .